
Back to School

Does 4th grade come with attitude? The cooperation factor was missing this morning, but I did manage to get one un-blurry photo of Jaeden (finally).

Brooklyn looking forward to the 3rd grade.

I so wanted a picture of them together (I tried), but now the moment is gone forever...
Jordan still has 2 more weeks before he starts, and I promise a picture then. Even if I have to sit on him to get it done!
With Mrs. Pietila.
I just had to take this picture of the school bus in the fog. It shouts FALL. 'Twas a damp, cold, brisk walk this morning, but it sure felt good. Brooklyn was talking about a cold nose and I was telling her that's what scarves are for - wrapping around your face to keep you warm. Brrrr....and winter isn't even here, yet. I'd happily send some of this down to you Arizonans!

Can't wait to hear all the wonderful first-day-of-school stories they come home with! But first things first. Do I tackle cleaning the office, do the dishes and tidy up the house, or run to Starbucks and relish a few moments of this new quietness? Hard decision. . . . .


K 'n' K said...

Happy 1st day, kidlets!

Janalee said...

I have three more years and then I get to wonder what to do with all of me free daytime. .. so I'll try to enjoy these little moments while I have them.