
Let It Snow

As of 10:30 AM and still coming down. . . .

Sorry about the bad pictures. Maybe I'll go back out later and take some more when the kids get home from school. The snow is still coming down hard. Can't believe the kids had to go to school today. Here in the Pacific Northwest, this is a lot of snow (away from the mountains). We're one of only two school districts in the area that hasn't closed for the day, just a two hour late start.

Brrrr. . . .lots of cold temps this week. We made it down to 7 degrees Fahrenheit. That is cold for us! We set some new records here in Western WA. First time in the 10 years I've lived here that I've seen it this cold. It's been fun though and makes us feel like we're having a real winter.

The kids love digging into our "winter" bucket in the basement and dragging out all the snow gear - boots, hats, mittens, snow suits. Yay!

You know how we hear grandparents tell kids "I had to walk home 2 miles in the snow, all uphill...."? I thought about telling Jordan he had to walk home his 2 miles today (he usually does if the weather is halfway decent), and then he'll have true stories like that to tell his grandkids someday. I didn't though - just didn't have the heart to make him. He may have to if I can't get out of the driveway in a few more hours. Hmmm...

Hope you're staying cozy and warm wherever you are today! Have a cup of hot cocoa and some homemade cookies and enjoy winter.

The Hansens

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