
Night and Day

It's amazing how opposite two children with the same parents can be!!! Here is Brooklyn's bedroom when I walked by this morning after taking them to school. Scary, huh?!? I had a moment where I thought "Maybe if she had a bigger room with more storage..." Then I pinched myself, woke up, and realized that wouldn't change a thing with her. She used to have a room three or four times the size and it was the same way. Luckily it really only takes a few minutes to clean this one up.
Then there's Jaeden. He's our OCD child. Gotta love having a boy this neat and tidy! Everything in its place.Remember this? It seems like a figment of my imagination now. *sigh* One can only hope......
Jordan is smack in the middle of these two. Clothes on floor, bed unmade, but everything else is basically in its place.
Guess we can't have our cake and eat it too.


Janalee said...

I love that. Talia is my neat and tidy one and she has to share a room with her two slobby sisters. poor thing.

DoRe' said...

That's classic! I could do the same post, but it actually would vary--my girls seem to trade weeks, being the OCD ones--sometimes it's Kiana, sometimes it's Mikela--funny, huh? :)