

Don't have much to post at the moment, but I did want to tell of something Brooklyn said yesterday afternoon as we were driving through town. It had been raining and we saw a beautiful, bright rainbow. So then we were talking again about the rainbow being God's promise not to destroy the whole earth with another flood. Brooklyn piped up and asked, "Mom, were you alive when it flooded?" Ummmm, yeah..... Do I really look as old as Noah???


K 'n' K said...

lol ah! From the mouth of little ones! You should send that one in to Reader's Digest, and the sum they pay for that can go into Boo's comedy fund--er, I mean, college fund! haha!

gillysoose said...

Real cute!!! They say the cutest things. She is such a cutey!!!

Kristi said...

HA! I laughed & laughed when I read that- how cute.

Darla said...

That's hilarious! Probably when you were feeling nice and young, right?!