
A Wedding

Last Saturday, we attended the wedding of a darling couple we know. It was a lovely day for it! When we left our house, it was pouring rain - uh oh! But when we arrived just a few miles away, the rain had stopped. It was such a beautiful wedding - perfect weather, pretty decorations, beautiful bride, beaming groom. . . . all the right ingredients! I always have such a hard time narrowing down pics. So bear with me, please.

There were gorgeous flowers everywhere.

The colors were black, white, and a light blue. Isn't this dessert/candy table cute?

Love all the paper globes dancing in the breeze! This tent was for the dinner served afterward. The vases of flowers had to be set on the ground so the wind wouldn't blow them over.
The bride's father - always smiling, he is! A happy fellow.
Waiting for the rest of the wedding party. Wasn't it a beautiful setting? Note the clouds that kept at bay.
The happy couple.
This little ring bearer was too cute! There was an anxious moment when a ring went missing. It was found in his shirt pocket. Our view zoomed 12x closer.
I'm all about the details!
Even babies matched. Isn't she adorable?
More gorgeous flowers.
Details of the dress

Speech time
The bride's three sisters. Note the groom playing with his ring - haven't we all done that as newlyweds? It feels so foreign and takes a while to get used to.
The bride loves and adores her husband so much, as this picture shows.
They'll soon be moving to MN where the groom will be going to medical school.

Beautiful smiles.
The gorgeous (reported to be 14) cakes made by the family.
More details. There were two of these floral "B"s side by side over the drink table.
Their monogram - sorry, didn't get the two "B"s on either side of the M.

Our summer is just zipping by! How about yours?


Janalee said...

nice documentation and comments of the beautiful wedding. a gorgeous place.

summer has zipped by in a blink for us too, school starts monday, but in weather-wise summer will be with us for a couple more months. You remember those days.

Anonymous said...

I found your blog Anita...well done and what a beautiful family you have! Looks like you are one busy mamma :)

Happy to be catching up on our lives...

Jason, Donna and KIDS! said...

Hey Anita!
I love your blog! FYI.. I get excited when the kids go back to school!!!!! Who are the couple getting married? Thanks!

Donna L