
Lattin's Country Cider Mill

Keith was working a week ago last Saturday so the kids and I decided to drive to Lattin's. We always have to make a couple of treks there every year - usually in the fall for the pumpkin patch. Jordan wouldn't be so excited if it weren't for the scrumptious, hot apple fritters they make on the premises every Saturday. They also make their own apple cider - strawberry, blackberry, raspberry and plain apple. They have in-season fruits, homemade pies, jams, and many other things you can buy in their little store.
The grounds are so pretty.
Nope, the deer isn't real. We've seen real ones around before, though.
Jaeden and Brooklyn love going to see all the animals they have.
There's usually little fuzzy chicks.

Melt in your mouth yumminess - Mmmmmmmm. . .
Kids feeding kids - J & B didn't want to believe me that baby goats are called that!
We're already seeing leaves dropping and trees changing colors up here.

Isn't it a bit early for fall?

One week left before school starts for us!

I'm noticing that I don't take enough pics of Jordan lately and it's not on purpose - I'll have to remedy that for sure!


Janalee said...

Anita you have all the fun.

DoRe' said...

Haha...I had to laugh at Janalee's comment--it's true, too! :p

It WAS so good to see you, Anita; I'm not sure why it's always in passing, but we've got to remedy that!

Hope you're having a great week, and still feeling the effects of convention--wasn't it wonderful?

Take care, and say hi to Keith for us! (I was just commenting to my oldest that I can't believe they didn't play with your kids during convention! :p)

K 'n' K said...

This place looks so cool! It reminds me of home on the farm...did you know I once had 66 chickens, all named? (Shh! Don't tell anyone!) OH did I say that out loud?!? ;)