
Our Caribbean Cruise

Just wanted to show you that it was starting to snow once again the morning of our departure to Florida. See what I meant about it being hard to pack for warm weather when we didn't know what warm was??

Yee-haw! Ain't (hope my 'teacher' aunts ignore that word) he handsome in his hat? Okay, so it was borrowed and Jordan was just keeping it from getting smooshed. Forget the 'finger in the nose' part. Mom doesn't really know how to take pics, she just pretends she does.
Just hangin' out hoping to leave someday soon.

This last picture for today shows us late at night in the Ft Lauderdale airport having just realized that one of Uncle Ralph's bags didn't seem to make the long flight and change of planes in Detroit. Lucky for him, it turned up not long after. Oh yeah, and we found out that two of our teenage children supposedly had different hotel vouchers than us and were to not stay in our Ft Lauderdale hotel with us, but were to take a bus to Miami (without parents, strange city, middle of night) for their hotel. This wasn't sitting well for us two moms. However, there was some comfort that Uncle Jerry had flown into Miami from Dallas (he wasn't back to Seattle in time for our flight out) and would wait for the kids at the Miami hotel.
When Uncle Jerry showed up at the Miami hotel, he found out there were NO reservations for ANY Hansen's and he had to take a taxi over to our hotel in Ft Lauderdale close to midnight. Found out that EVERYONE was to stay in the same hotel after all. For some reason the vouchers were printed inaccurately. Whew! Glad for cell phone communication. This was beginning to be a great trip...

Tomorrow: You might actually get to SEE some cruise pics.

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