

Oh, how I wish I'd taken a before picture of this space in front of our house! It was downright scary. Just a big jumble of plants - overgrown rose bushes, rosemary, daffodils, and whatnot. It pays to be married to a landscaper. Every time I looked at that space, I would have nightmares. I'd have no idea where to start! But Keith got in there and took out anything we didn't want, moved rosemary to some pots for kitchen use, transplanted a rhododendron that was lost in the yard elsewhere, made order out of the daffodils, etc. All within a few hours this last Saturday. It doesn't look like much yet especially when you can't see a before picture (sorry-wasn't thinking!), but believe me - it's a total turnaround. Okay, ignore that big orange/rusty spot on the wall. We're getting to that...

Make note of those daffodil's already in bloom! Yay!! Spring really is just around the corner...17 days to be exact. Those round white things - Brooklyn's handprints. She made one for Mom on Mother's Day and one for Dad on Father's Day last year. So we had to use them. We left them in the tins for now otherwise I'm afraid they'd break up too easily.


Oh, I just found some before shots! From before we even moved in a year ago. You can maybe get an idea of how jumbled and messy the yard was. We have a ways to go, but so much improvement already. The prior owners loved a hodgepodge of everything with no rhyme nor reason to placement of things. It was a pain to mow. You'd come across tulips smack in the middle of nowhere. Remember, we're still renting so we don't want to put a ton of $$ into this. But we do like living in a nice place, too. The landlord wants us to buy, we'll see. When we first moved in, we hauled a ton of garbage away including an old stove and other filth sitting on the front porch.

While Keith was working on the front there, I was busy rearranging and cleaning the porch. An early spring cleaning. The boys went to a Sportsman's Show at the fairgrounds earlier in the day and won two $25 gift certificates to our local hardware store. They were sweet enough to gift me with one so I can go pick out some pretty flowers to perk up my pots. I'll take pics to post later.

The little ones were so excited about school this morning. It's Dr. Seuss Day and they got to wear pajamas to school as well as take their slippers, teddy bears, etc. So fun!

Enjoy your week!


Anonymous said...

Love ya but I want to see more pics of the family because I know they are growing like weeds cause Keith can't stop that from happening. Weeds he can do but no the normal growth of kids. This is a neat way to let those of us who have computers know what is going on but remember Grandma Ruth only has an email machine, she can't access the internet or get pictures etc.

MY said...

Thanks for letting me know about your blog. Very cool!

Landscaping is a talent! It looks nice.