
Another Week Gone By

Our Miss Boo never stops in the middle of the day let alone falls asleep. Obviously she wasn't feeling well. She was sick with a cold last weekend as I mentioned in the last post. So she stayed home from school Monday, and it took a lot of persuasion to send her Tuesday. This picture was taken on Thursday. At least she went to school. But she came home and said she'd fallen asleep on the bus (could this be Brooklyn?) and she immediately crawled up into the rocking chair. I gave her a couple of pillows, and she was out. (The first picture is blurry because I was trying not to wake her with the flash.) Anyway, I'm happy to report that she's MUCH better!
Brooklyn and Jaeden went to Olympia for a field trip on Friday. They saw a laser show and came home telling us all about it. I'd forgotten how much we used to look forward to those grade school field trips! So much excitement in packing lunches, wearing the appropriate clothes (raincoats here in WA), etc.

Yummy cupcakes we made Friday afternoon.

Jordan has student-led conferences this next week (I'm sure it'll be good news in that category) so that means half-days all week for him. He's still loving every minute of his welding classes.

No school for all the kids on Friday, either. What is up with that?? It seems every time we turn around, the kids are off for some reason or another. Do kids ever go to school anymore? Monday off here, Friday off there, half-days this week, Christmas Break, Mid-Winter Break, Spring Break, teacher planning days, state planning days, holidays, snow make-up unused days... To complicate matters further, the high school isn't on the same schedule/routine as the grade schools. I do wonder how working mom's manage sometimes between all the days off school, sick days, etc. It's quite a juggling act. I admire each and every one of you working mother's out there!

We're counting down the days till we go on our Caribbean cruise during Spring Break. We'll be sure to take lots of pictures to share with you! Meanwhile, we're busy packing and figuring out what to take/not take. Thanks to Laurie (my cousin) and Erika (my sis-in-law) for their advice so far! Each little bit has helped immensely. We're really starting to look forward to this cruise.

Hugs to all of you and hope you enjoy what's left of your weekend!

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