
Pumpkin Pickin'

We (Mom) procrastinated this year in making the trek to the pumpkin patch.  After all, we have a patch of little pumpkins right here at home.  The kids didn't find them adequate for carving, though.

All shapes and sizes this year - acorn looking ones, deep orange ones, bumpy ones...

 Scarecrow Boo
 We thought these two were the final picks - not so.
These pass Jordan's final inspection.  Jordan told the younger two, "If you can't carry them, you can't keep them."  Hmmmm. . . .wise young man, he is.
 What's cuter than baby animals???

Have a Happy Hooliween!


DoRe' said...


Anita said...

We've had a lot of pumpkin/squash (they make no distinction here and often it's already chunked up or sliced at the market so you really don't know which you're getting)- and I love it! Ok- we eat them... but they're super yummy!
And baby animals sure are cute! ;)