
Seabrook, WA

We took a mini-vacation in February to Seabrook, WA where we rented a fabulous 3 bed/3 bath beach cottage. If you're ever on the Washington coast and want a place to vacation, click the link above to plan your own!

Blogspot never seems to upload pictures in order any more and because of the amount of pictures on this post, I won't bother to sort these this time. If you are adverse to looking at a bunch of architecture/beach homes, you better skip this post.

If you are game for reading to the end of this post, thanks for humoring me!

The first thing on our agenda the morning after we checked in was to take a walk through the neighborhood.

A cute row of beach cottages facing a small park.
Nothing like the details - beautiful lighting, transom windows, wood siding . . . must I say more?

Enclosed porches.
Painted shutters
Cedar shake siding
Wraparound porches
A fave - one of several
Arbors at the front gate - remember this was winter so the flowers weren't blooming, yet. Would love to go back when the vegetation is beautiful.
New beach camp cabins under construction
A great shuffleboard game in progress between Jaeden & Keith!
It comes in handy when your outfit matches your bike! This blue house below is one of my top picks! It even had a matching breezeway and attached garage. Very nautical looking with blue and white and the red accents.
Love the cheerful yellow color!
A 2nd floor balcony and a 3rd floor dormer - cute!
This one could be a keeper! I think it stretches the "cottage" idea, though.
An abundance of fabulous lighting choices.
Great architecture abounds. . .although some of these almost look too formal for the beach, in my opinion.
The super-wonderful market that so kindly stocked our fridge for us before our arrival. That in itself felt like a vacation to not have to haul food for 6 people x 3 days on a "camping" trip. Loved it from a mom's standpoint!
See a peek of the ocean through the trees?
One cottage that even had a "lodge" look. Cute except it seemed out of place at the ocean instead of in the woods somewhere. Adore this bell. If anyone comes across one just like this, let me know - would ya?!?
Great little cafe, although we didn't get an opportunity to check it out. We tried, but they weren't quite open when we went by. Guess they don't do "early". Life at the beach. . . . The great Pacific Ocean

and a peek at the progress of the 2010 Coastal Living Idea House. Click on the link to view the latest updates. I cannot wait till it's open for the public to view. Coastal Living is one of my all-time favorite magazines ever! And their Idea Houses are awesome. I couldn't believe my eyes when I read in one of their magazines (or maybe it was their website) that they were building one this year in our neck of the woods. So this is proof that we were there during construction.
Notice the house above and the picture below. They are the exact same house. Above was taken in February of this year and the one below was taken in August of 2007 when we happened upon this brand-new community just being built. Also, the flowers were all in full bloom and the grass was gorgeous. Now do you see why it would be great to go back when everything is flowering? What a difference it makes!
We could just take our pick of a couple of beach cruisers to use during our stay. They said they were phasing out that perk because of the abuse the bikes got and people wouldn't return them. The neighborhood association would have to go around the community and collect them after people left. Also, the salt water is very harsh on them and they rust easily. Costs are too great for it to continue being a free service. Anybody want to open a bike rental shop?
Our rental was the green Craftsman, pictured below, called the Seastar Cottage. Three sets of French doors opened up onto the porch where we grilled our meals.
Oyster shells lined the streets and walkways. How fitting! Although, Keith assured me that it wasn't the best of ideas. The bits of shells track into the houses and onto the hardwood floors so easily and sure enough, he was right! We had to do lots of sweeping to keep from scratching the floors. So - cute idea, but not practical!
A couple of houses across the street from us. I'd like to rent the one in the middle just to see what it's like. Loved the beachy color scheme of white with aqua trim/shutters. Not all of the houses in the neighborhood are for rent, some are just part-time vacation homes for the owners. There are only about 8 actual owners that live in the community year-round.

Thanks for your patience! Wasn't that fun? Which one would you pick? It might have felt like I took a picture of every house there, but that was just a few of them.

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