
Fishing Derby

On Saturday, the lake had a Fishing Derby. The fishing was not so good and the weather was even worse. It rained most of the day. Lots of people still turned out for the event so there were many boats on the lake. The kids and Keith only caught two fish, the largest being about 14 inches. The winner was just over 20 inches. At 5:00 PM, everybody gathered at the restaurant on the lake for the drawings. Brooklyn came home with a six person tent and Jaeden came home with a ball. Fortunately, Sunday was a dry day so the kids insisted they try out the tent. They set it up on our 2nd story deck overlooking the lake. Prime real estate, I'd say. What a view out their front door.
(click on picture above to get a better view)
Yes, they even spent the night out there. The report in the morning: Brooklyn said she stayed warm and cozy, but couldn't sleep 'cause of all the noises. Jaeden said he slept well.
I remember sleeping in a tent in our backyard with my brother when we were kids. Our view wasn't quite as nice, but we had a great time. Makes for fun memories!

1 comment:

E said...

Glad to see y'all are doing well. :) I guess you must have moved?!?!!?
Tell the kids hi for me!

Erin West