
Salmon Bake

On Saturday, we went to an annual Salmon Bake in beautiful Gig Harbor. This is only the second or third time we've gone, although we're invited every year. Dave, the man that puts it on (in white sweatshirt), owns a commercial fishing boat and catches the salmon. He and his father used to work with my father-in-law at the shipyard. The way he seasons and grills it - it's so yummy! A big plus - no bones to pick out! Even Jordan (who has an intense dislike of anything seafood) and Brooklyn (who feels the same about fish anything) both enjoy it. That's saying a lot!

It's a potluck, so there's a ton of other yummy food as well. We took lemon tarts, broccoli salad, and baked potato salad. Excellent food and lots of great company!

We hope you all had a wonderful weekend as well!


My said...

Salmon! Yum! I'm sure Dave did it up good! I'm jealous!

Marla said...

Hmmm - this sounds yummy. Wonder what the seasoning is that they're putting on it? We're always looking for new ones to try.
Now I would love it if your family came up here for a convention one year, but I'd have to warn your kiddos that there's at least seafood ~4 of the meals.

gillysoose said...

That sounds like lots of fun!!! I think that even I would have liked it and I don't like salmon. Wish we could have been there.