
It's Here!

First Day of School 2008
First Day of School 2007
See any changes? Jordan of course is soooo hard to get a smile out of, Brooklyn is definitely in a happier mood this morning than this time last year, and Jaeden - well, Jaeden is always smiling (unless he's whining of course). Growth changes? I definitely think the two younger ones are taller this year and I definitely see Jordan's maturity. Isn't he handsome?
Jordan - Sophomore
Jaeden - 3rd Grade
Brooklyn - 2nd Grade
It's a cloudy, foggy morning so the lighting is awful in the picture. Sorry! Would've helped if I'd taken their picture outside, but it was too cold. Brrrrrr....
Hope you're all settling back into your fall routines!
(Yikes!! I just realized how blurry last year's photo is - it was so hard to get them to stand still for two seconds)


Janalee said...

That's wierd that you're barely starting school. Good-wierd. And it's really brrrrrrr freezing up there? Wow. We're still swimming it up. I'm secretly jealous of where you live, fyi.

oh, and you probably hear this all the time, but look at that little Donald and Anita!! Is it like your raising yourself and Donald all over again?

DoRe' said...

Yay! And I know I just *saw* the kids, but I swear they've all gotten taller in the last 2 weeks! :p Some kids get all the luck...:D

We start tomorrow--yippee! Here's to a great school year! :)

K 'n' K said...

all your kids are so good lookin'! If you lived down here, I'd be teaching Jordan English this year, and from the looks of it, maybe guitar too? :)

Jason, Donna and KIDS! said...

Just starting school????? :) They are soooo cute! Jordan is sure growing up fast! We are doing well! Jason got laid off, but he has another job now. Thankfully he didn't have to wait at all! Take Care and ENJOY the cold weather!!

gillysoose said...

You are slow!!! We are almost done with the first quarter of school. I can't believe Jordan is in high school. We aren't getting any older so why is he. Enjoy your quiet time with out the kids. Get all your house work done and the laundry all folded. HaHa!!! Gilly