
Family, Garage Sales & BBQs

We spent time with Keith's brother and his wife this weekend up in Puyallup. We don't get to see them much since they drive truck so we enjoy every minute we get! We had beautiful (hot to us) weather this weekend. Mt. Rainier was visible in all its beauty. This is pretty much the view that Keith's other brother has from their home in Edgewood. Great, isn't it!?!

Aunt Jolene was trying out the binoculars that Jaeden purchased at a garage sale on Friday. Great things can be found for so cheap sometimes!
Jordan earning some cash by washing AND waxing Uncle Fred and Aunt Jolene's truck. It took most of the day for him. He's standing on the engine to reach some of the higher spots and wash the windshield.
Keith helping Jaeden roller blade. It didn't help that part of the driveway is all downhill - yikes! Mom insisted we use a helmet after taking this picture. Another awesome find - almost brand new skates for only $10. We figured we could eBay them if nobody used them. Their cousin bought almost the same ones for $90 new - so it was quite a deal!
We decided to have a small barbecue on Saturday at Priest Point Park in Olympia, WA. Jolene's parents, sister and nephew met us there. We spent time with them on our cruise back in April so it was fun to get to see them again!

Uncle Fred, Jaeden, and Brooklyn enjoying some time in the salt water.

Hard to believe that it's already the end of June! Our nephew Chris (Fred & Jolene's oldest) is getting married to his girlfriend Krista in August. We're very excited about that and hope to be able to go! We'll see - especially with fuel prices now.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Where were all those knee and elbow pads when you kids were younger. Nope, nope, nope, gotta do it the hard way, and get all those scabs and scars. At least that way, when your kids want you to join them, you just point to the scars and say, "Been there, done that!" then you are free to sit on the front porch with your lemonade and iced tea, watching the fun. Don't forget to bring along a box of band-aides though. Aunt Peggy