
Lions and Tigers. . . .Oh My!

At the beginning of January, I took the kids to the Oregon Zoo down in Portland. It was really cold out that Saturday, but the rain held off. We got there early and it was so beautiful and peaceful, very few people out.

Our first main stop was the Lorikeet area. We each got a little cup of nectar and when we went inside, they swarmed us. This was definitely a highlight of our day.
We discovered that Jordan's hair makes a great nest!
Sorry I can't turn the video around, but it's more for the sound anyway.
Nice kitties. . . . .

Bats - way too creepy for my taste! Ewwww!!!
I'm second-guessing the whole driver's license thing.

Love these kids! And cannot believe they will be 10, 17, and 9 in just a few short weeks (Jordan in 3 months). We went to the Old Spaghetti Factory in Hillsboro, OR for a yummy lunch. Fun times with fun kids!

1 comment:

My said...

Oh my Gosh! Is Jordan actually smiling!!! It takes birds to make the guy smile???!!! :)
That is one place I've been trying to find the time to take my kids. They grow up and get jobs on the weekends and it makes it hard to do fun things like that with them all! One day, we will get there!!!