
Spring Break

We had hoped to go up to Canada to Keith's uncle's dairy farm, but decided to stay home instead and do things locally that didn't cost very much.
We enjoyed visiting one of our favorite places last Tuesday. We'd heard that they had some babies on the farm so the kids were excited to go check them out. Even Jordan was looking forward to it! Only downside was that it was a weekday, so no fresh apple fritters for us.

Jaeden & Brooklyn always insist on a picture with the apple tree.

Strutting his stuff
The kids were delighted to see that there were some "escapees" that had climbed through the fence.
Love their fluffy little tails!
These little darlings were feeling rather frisky! The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.
King o' the barrel
It was a VERY cold and windy day so we didn't stay as long as we would've liked to. We still had a great time and enjoyed our day. During Spring Break last year, we were on our cruise so we were wishing we were on another one again.


Janalee said...

oh, my children would love that place.

Janalee said...

hey I just realized - you don't employ the dreaded "word verification" for your comments - yay!

K 'n' K said...

What fun! I love baby animals!