
♪ Happy Birthday, Jaeden ♪

Jaeden celebrated his 9th birthday on Sunday.

He baked and decorated his own cake this year. He wanted to, and it was a huge help with the rest of us being sick. Lemon with cream cheese filling and lemon frosting. Hard to believe this is his last single digit year! My, how fast they grow. . . He enjoyed a spaghetti dinner - compliments of dad.

♪ Happy #9, Jaeden!!! ♪


Anita said...

I'm chiming it! In Ukraine, tradition dictates that the person having the birthday prepares a cake (at the very least- often a full meal) and invites close friends to his/her place for the festivities! So, you're just doing it the Ukie way!
And Happy Bday Jaeden, by the way!

Anonymous said...

We remember 9 years ago well!! Hope there are many more ahead. xoxo, Papa & Nana

Kristi said...

Happy Birthday to Jaeden! He made my very favorite cake! YUM!
Looks like a few in your family have birthdays around the same time, as we do in our household! I remember Keith's is also on the 17th, just after mine.
Happy Birthday to all! Sorry you are all sick!
