
Last Weekend

Goofin' around in the car...
We decided to check out our local history museum on Saturday morning.
It's located in the old train depot. What a great building!

Some fun displays.

I saw several things in this kitchen that I'd love to have now!

Brooklyn & Jaeden checking out the schoolroom display.
The best part for the kids was all the interactive things to do. They would've played for hours. We were the only ones there at the time so we did let them play quite a while. After visiting the museum, we went home and Keith, Brooklyn and I went for a bike ride. We have some great trails not far away. Keith and Brooklyn decided to keep riding and I'd go back and pick up Jordan and Jaeden at home and meet them in the city (we were meeting friends for Jordan's b-day dinner). Keith and Boo ended up riding 14 miles before they called me to pick them up. Brooklyn was quite the little trooper. Dad was more sore the next day than she was!

On Sunday, we went to visit Grandma and Grandpa for birthday cake. When we pulled in, this was what we saw by Grandpa's pond. Wonder if there will be ducklings in the near future... The cousins enjoying some good old-fashioned root beer floats before pizza. Yum!

Can't believe how many birthday candles are required now!
Happy birthday, Jordan!

Remember that milestone of getting a driver's permit? Yup, that's what we're looking at in our near future - yikes!

We had a great weekend and can't believe the next one is almost here again!

Where does time go???

Hugs to everyone,

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